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Mineral Ritual: Rewrite Your Life Story

Mineral is about communication; it's about the stories that we live, that we think about, and that we speak about. Mineral is about connecting to your life's purpose and communicating that purpose in the world. This mineral ritual is powerful. Not only have I used it several times, but I've witnessed its efficacy in others. [...]

By |2016-11-10T10:01:39-05:00April 20th, 2011|Shamanism|0 Comments

Ritual and Renewal: How to Live Your True Nature

Nature carries the energy of magic transformation. It is about authenticity and living your “true nature.” This ritual is one of reflection, of going deep into your soul to discover more clearly who you really are. What is your authentic dream? Is what you're doing right now in your life the thing that really suits [...]

By |2016-11-10T10:01:39-05:00April 18th, 2011|Shamanism|0 Comments

Fire Ritual to Bring Your Dreams to Reality

There is always something you can do to change your life, to bring about the life you’ve always wanted. I’ve found following rituals central to the West African culture to be quite powerful in bringing about change. These rituals can help you realize how to bring your dreams to fruition and how to live by [...]

By |2016-11-10T10:01:39-05:00April 15th, 2011|Shamanism|0 Comments

Ritual and Renewal: The Element of Water

In the song “Rock Star” by Nickelback, there are a couple of lines that hit home with some things I’ve heard from others and, quite frankly, some things I feel from time to time. The song is about a guy who wants to change his life but feels it's too late, so he's asking for [...]

By |2016-11-10T10:01:39-05:00April 13th, 2011|Shamanism|0 Comments

History: The Life of the Drum

The Drum has a place in the lives of many people throughout the world. It can manifest energy or represent gods. The Drum holds ancient energy, which beckons to the soul and calls for indigenous remembrance. The Menomini, Native American from Wisconsin, believe the Drum is a strong force in the world that should always [...]

By |2016-11-10T10:01:39-05:00August 10th, 2010|Indigenous Traditions|0 Comments
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