Every Human is Born a Genius.

My dear friend Malidoma Somé shared some wisdom of the Dagara people of West Africa: they believe that each and every human being is born a genius. We each bring a unique and special gift to the world. It is our job as members of this community on Earth to acknowledge and support the genius that resides in each and every person.

At HealingDrummer.com we support community and all the wonderful gifts people bring. This is why we want to spotlight people who shine their light in the world with a series of feature videos. The intention is to bring hope and inspiration to those who see the videos, encouraging viewers to shine their own unique light in the world.

Jill Jeppesen of Salt Lake City, Utah.

For our first video, we’re pleased to introduce Jill Jeppesen, a creative woman who facilitates an ecstatic dance group in Salt Lake City, Utah that bridges many different people of many different faiths and encourages everyone to embrace authenticity. I got to know Jill and her husband Michael through the Park City Drum Circle, and it has been a pleasure to watch her vision and dream of providing a community space where people can dance, release, be free, and come to fruition.

In addition to facilitating the ecstatic dance group in Salt Lake City, Jill is also a massage therapist bringing healing to people in the community using restorative techniques. She is an inspiration to many people.

Our Passion Can Inspire Others.

My interview with Jill took place in her living room while Michael was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I was honored to have the chance to talk with her. Watch our casual, informal discussion about Jill’s passion for her work, and let the words she says and the enthusiasm with which she speaks inspire you as much as it inspired me.

If any of you would like to be featured in a video, or if you know someone who is shining their light in the world and should be acknowledged, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you and discovering what other inspirational people are doing in the world.